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Photo gallery / Localities / Macedonia

Freshwater Gastropodes


Montenegrina dofleini pinteri (H. Nordsieck, 1973)

Montenegrina hiltrudae dennisi E. Gittenberger, 2002

Montenegrina perstriata drimica H.Nordsieck, 1972

Montenegrina perstriata ochridensis (Wagner, 1925)

Montenegrina perstriata ohridensis (A.J.Wagner, 1918)

Montenegrina perstriata radikae H.Nordsieck, 1972

Montenegrina stankovici Urbanski, 1960

Triloba thaumasia faueri Nordsieck

The photos in our gallery are in most cases just a sample from our stock, except when only one specimen is offered. We try to match the original color but it can vary if your screen is not correctly adjusted (Gamma correction).
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