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PECTINIDAE - 320 species
LIST display only list 

Chlamys sp. 73147

Chlamys strategus (Dall, 1898)

Chlamys tincta (Reeve, 1853)

Chlamys zelandiae (Gray, 1843)

Chlamys zelandiae zeelandona (Hertlein, 1931)

Complicachlamys wardiana Iredale, 1939

Coralichlamys madreporarum (Sowerby II, 1842)

Crassadoma gigantea (J. E. Gray, 1825)

Cryptopecten alli Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938

Cryptopecten bernardi (R. A. Philippi, 1851)

Cryptopecten bullatus (Dautzenberg & Bavay, 1912)

Cryptopecten nux (Reeve, 1853)

Cryptopecten phrygium (Dall, 1886)

Cryptopecten sp. 170738

Cryptopecten vesiculosus (Dunker, 1877)

Decatopecten amiculum (Philippi, 1835)

Decatopecten oweni (de Gregorio, 1884)

Decatopecten plica (Linnaeus, 1758)

Decatopecten plica (Linnaeus, 1758) + Chama japonica Lamarck, 1819

Decatopecten radula (Linnaeus, 1758)

Decatopecten radula griggi (J. H. Webb, 1957)

Decatopecten strangei (Reeve, 1852)

Delectopecten alcocki (E. A. Smith, 1904)

Delectopecten cf. macrocheiricolus (Habe, 1951)

Delectopecten greenlandicus, Sow. 1842

Delectopecten macrocheiricolus (Habe, 1951)

Delectopecten polyleptus (Dall, 1908)

Delectopecten randolphi (Dall, 1897)

Delectopecten vitreus (Gmelin, 1791)

Delectopecten vitreus abyssorum (Sars, 1878)

Dentamussium obliteratum (Linnaeus, 1758)

Equichlamys bifrons (Lamarck, 1819)

Equichlamys sp. 233561

Euvola cf. raveneli (Dall, 1898)

Euvola cf. vogdesi (Arnold, 1906)

Euvola chazaliei (Dautzenberg, 1909)

Euvola hancocki (Grau, 1959)

Euvola laurentii (Gmelin, 1791)

Euvola marensis (Weisbord, 1964)

Euvola marshallae Petuch & R. F. Myers, 2014

Euvola perula (Olsson, 1961)

Euvola raveneli (Dall, 1898)

Euvola sp. 37089

Euvola vogdesi (Arnold, 1906)

Euvola ziczac (L., 1758)

Euvola ziczac (L.,1758) + Arcinella brasiliana (Nicol, 1953)

Euvola ziczac (L.,1758) + Ostrea equestris Say, 1834

Excellichlamys histrionica (Gmelin, 1791)

Excellichlamys spectabilis (Reeve, 1853)

Flabellipecten sericeus (Hinds, 1845)

Flexopecten felipponei (Dall, 1922)

Flexopecten flexuosa (Poli, 1795)

Flexopecten glaber (L., 1758)

Flexopecten glaber ponticus (Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1889)

Flexopecten spectrum (Reeve, 1853)

Gigantopecten nodosiformis (Push, 1837)

Gloripallium maculosum (Forsskal, 1775)

Gloripallium pallium (Linnaeus, 1758)

Gloripallium speciosum (Reeve, 1853)

Haumea loxoides (Sowerby, 1842)

Haumea minuta (Linnaeus, 1758)

Hinnites corallinus Sowerby, 1827

Juxtamusium cf. coudeini (Baray, 1903)

Juxtamusium coudeini (Baray, 1903)

Juxtamusium maldivense (E.A. Smith, 1903)

Karnekampia bruei (Payraudeau, 1826)

Laevichlamys aliae (Dijkstra, 1988)

Laevichlamys andamanica (Preston, 1908)

Laevichlamys boninensis (Dijkstra & Matsukuma, 1993)

Laevichlamys cf. cuneata (Reeve, 1853)

Laevichlamys cf. squamosa (Gmelin, 1791)

Laevichlamys cookei (Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938)

Laevichlamys cuneata (Reeve, 1853)

Laevichlamys deliciosa (Iredale, 1939)

Laevichlamys gladysiae (Melvill, 1888)

Laevichlamys limatula (Reeve, 1853)

Laevichlamys mollita (Reeve, 1853)

Laevichlamys multisqualida Dijkstra, 1994

Laevichlamys rubromaculata (G. B. Sowerby II, 1842)

Laevichlamys sp. 182865

Laevichlamys sp. 186443

Laevichlamys squamosa (Gmelin, 1791)

Laevichlamys superficialis (Forsskål, 1775)

Laevichlamys wilhelminae (Bavay, 1904)

Leopecten diegensis (Dall, 1898)

Leopecten sericeus (Hinds, 1845)

Leopecten stillmani (Dijkstra, 1998)

Leptopecten aff. bavayi Dautzemberg, 1927

Leptopecten bavayi Dautzemberg, 1927

Leptopecten biolleyi (Hertlein & Strong, 1946)
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