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CAMAENIDAE - 1218 species
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Helicostyla jonasi (L. Pfeiffer, 1846)

Helicostyla leai (L. Pfeiffer, 1846)

Helicostyla marinduquensis (Hidalgo, 1887)

Helicostyla mirabilis (A. Férussac, 1821)

Helicostyla mirabilis trichroa (Pilsbry, 1892)

Helicostyla nobilis (Reeve, 1848)

Helicostyla palavanensis bancalanensis (Bartsch, 1918)

Helicostyla persimilis (Deshayes, 1850)

Helicostyla phaeostyla (L. Pfeiffer, 1857)

Helicostyla philippinensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1846)

Helicostyla pithogaster (A. Férussac, 1821)

Helicostyla pithogaster (Ferussac, 1821)

Helicostyla pithogaster batoana M. Smith, 1932

Helicostyla portei (L. Pfeiffer, 1861)

Helicostyla quadrasi (Hidalgo, 1886)

Helicostyla rufogaster (Lesson, 1832)

Helicostyla satyrus (Broderip, 1841)

Helicostyla satyrus cyanocephala (Pilsbry, 1892)

Helicostyla schadenbergi (Moellendorff, 1890)

Helicostyla smaragdina (Reeve, 1842)

Helicostyla subcarinata (Pfeiffer, 1842)

Helicostyla ticaonica iloilana M. Smith, 1932

Helicostyla ticaonica modesta (Moellendorff, 1898)

Helicostyla ticaonica ticaonica (Broderip, 1841)

Helicostyla ventricosa (Bruguière, 1792)

Helicostyla ventricosa guimarasensis (Broderip, 1841)

Helicostyla ventricosa nobilis (Reeve, 1848)

Helicostyla woodiana (Lea, 1840)

Helicostyla woodiana reevei (Broderip, 1841)

Hypselostyla camelopardalis (Broderip, 1841)

Hypselostyla cf. diana (Broderip, 1841)

Hypselostyla cincinna virens (L. Pfeiffer, 1843)

Hypselostyla cincinniformis menagei (Bartsch, 1932)

Hypselostyla concinna (G. B. Sowerby I, 1841)

Hypselostyla nimbosa (Broderip, 1841)

Hypselostyla romblonensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1843)

Hypselostyla subcarinata archeri (Clench, 1936)

Hypselostyla turris (Semper, 1887)

Jacksonena rudis (Hedley, 1912)

Jimbouria rodhobsoni Stanic, 2010

Karaftohelix blakeana (Newcomb, 1865)

Karaftohelix blakeana miranda (A.Adams, 1868)

Karaftohelix bocageana (Crosse, 1864)

Karaftohelix capillata (Schileyko & Bratchik in Schileyko, 1978)

Karaftohelix maackii (Gerstfeldt, 1859)

Laeocathaica amdoana Mollendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica carinalis Chen & Zhang, 2004

Laeocathaica cf. amdoana Mollendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica cf. pewzowi Mollendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica distinguenda Mollendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica dityla Mollendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica odophora Moellendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica pewzowi Mollendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica phaeomphala Moellendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica polytyla Mollendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica potanini Moellendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica prionotropis albocincta Mollendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica prionotropis prionotropis Mollendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica stenochone Moellendorff, 1899

Laeocathaica subsimilis (Deshayes, 1873)

Lamprellia zebina (Brazier, 1878)

Landouria huttoni (Pfeiffer, 1842)

Landouria rotatoria (L. Pfeiffer, 1842)

Letitia diomedes (Brazier, 1877)

Letitia secans (Hedley, 1894)

Luchuhadra amanoi (Kuroda, 1960)

Luchuhadra largillierti (Pfeiffer, 1849)

Luchuhadra omoro (Minato, 1982)

Marilynessa findera (Iredale, 1937)

Marilynessa thorogoodi (Iredale, 1937)

Marilynessa yulei (Forbes, 1851)

Megalacron boyerii (Fischer & Bernardi, 1857)

Megalocron melanesia (Clench & Turner, 1964)

Meliobba popondetta Clench & Turner, 1962

Melostrachia acutiscotata (Fulton, 1907)

Melostrachia glomerans (Iredale, 1938)

Meridolum cf. gulosum (Gould, 1846)

Meridolum corneovirens (Pfeiffer, 1851)

Meridolum grayi (Pfeiffer, 1847)

Meridolum gulosum (Gould, 1846)

Meridolum maryae Clark, 2009

Mesanella monochroa (Sowerby, 1841)

Mesanella monochroa bugsukensis Bartsch, 1918

Mesanella monochroa palawanica (Pfeiffer, 1855)

Mesanella monochroa trailli (Pfeiffer, 1855)

Mesanella stolidota (Quadras & Moellendorff, 1894)

Mesodontrachia fitzroyana Solem, 1985

Moellendorffia cf. eastlakeana (Mollendorff, 1882)

Moellendorffia cf. faberiana (Moellendorff, 1888)

Moellendorffia eastlakeana (Mollendorff, 1882)
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