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BORSONIIDAE - 83 species
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Asthenotoma lamothei (Dautzenberg, 1910)

Bathytoma agnata Hedley & Petterd, 1906

Bathytoma atractoides (R. B. Watson, 1881)

Bathytoma badifasciata Puillandre, Sysoev, B. M. Olivera, Couloux & Bouchet, 2010

Bathytoma belaeformis (G. B. Sowerby III, 1903)

Bathytoma boholica Parth, 1994

Bathytoma carnicolor Puillandre, Sysoev, B. M. Olivera, Couloux & Bouchet, 2010

Bathytoma cataphracta (Brocchi, 1814) + Petaloconchus glomeratus (L., 1758)†

Bathytoma cataphracta (Brocchi, 1814)†

Bathytoma cf. atractoides (R. B. Watson, 1881)

Bathytoma cf. luehdorfi (Lischke, 1872)

Bathytoma episoma Puillandre, Sysoev, Olivera, Couloux & Bouchet, 2010

Bathytoma gordonlarki J. K. Tucker & B. M. Olivera, 2011

Bathytoma hedlandensis Tippett & Kosuge, 1994

Bathytoma helenae Kilburn, 1974

Bathytoma lacertosus (Hedley, 1922)

Bathytoma luehdorfi (Lischke, 1872)

Bathytoma prodicia Kilburn, 1978

Bathytoma somalica Ardovini, 2015

Bathytoma sp. 122762

Bathytoma sp. 36865

Bathytoma sp. 78260

Bathytoma stenos Puillandre, Sysoev, Olivera, Couloux & Bouchet, 2010

Bathytoma tippetti Vera-Pelaez, 2004

Bathytoma viabrunnea (Dall, 1889)

Bathytoma visagei Kilburn, 1973

Belaturricula gaini (E. Lamy, 1910)

Borsonella sp. 78704

Diptychophlia hubrechti Cunha, 2005

Diptychophlia sp. 48362

Drilliola aff. comatotropis (Dall, 1881)

Drilliola comatotropis (Dall, 1881)

Drilliola emendata (Monterosato, 1872)

Drilliola loprestiana (Calcara, 1841)

Drilliola reevii (C. B. Adams, 1850)

Drilliola sp. 27208

Genota marchandi Pin, 1996

Genota mitriformis (W. Wood, 1828)

Genota nicklesi Knudsen, 1952

Genota nigeriensis Vera-Peláez, 2004

Genota papalis (Reeve, 1845)

Genota sp. 67746

Genota vafra Sykes, 1905

Glyptaesopus oldroydi (Arnold, 1903)

Glyptaesopus phylira (Dall, 1919)

Glyptaesopus xenicus (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932)

Maoritomella albula (F. W. Hutton, 1873)

Microdrillia aff. commentica (Hedley, 1915)

Microdrillia trina Mansfield, 1925

Ophiodermella fancherae (Dall, 1903)

Ophiodermella grippi (Dall, 1919)

Ophiodermella inermis (Reeve, 1843)

Ophiodermella miyatensis (Yokoyama, 1920)

Ophiodermella ophioderma (Dall, 1908)

Paraborsonia (?) sp. 40085

Phenatoma roseum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)

Phenatoma zealandica (E.A.Smith, 1877)

Pulsarella fultoni (G. B. Sowerby III, 1888)

Pulsarella komakimonos (Otsuka, 1935)

Suavodrillia kennicotti (Dall, 1871)

Tomopleura bellardii (Jousseaume, 1883)

Tomopleura cicatrigula (Hedley, 1903)

Tomopleura coffea (Thiele, 1925)

Tomopleura makemonos (Jousseaume, 1883)

Tomopleura nivea (R. A. Philippi, 1851)

Tomopleura oscitans Kilburn, 1986

Tomopleura pouloensis (Jousseaume, 1883)

Tomopleura reevii (Adams, C.B., 1850)

Tomopleura sp. 58265

Tomopleura sp. 68597

Tomopleura sp. 73714

Tomopleura spiralissima Gofas & Rolán, 2009

Tomopleura vertebrata (E.A.Smith, 1875)

Tropidoturris anaglypta Kilburn, 1986

Tropidoturris fossata (G. B. Sowerby III, 1903)

Tropidoturris fossata notialis Kilburn, 1986

Tropidoturris planilirata Kilburn, 1986

Tropidoturris scitecostata (G. B. Sowerby III, 1903)

Tropidoturris vizcondei Morassi & Bonfitto, 2013

Typhlodaphne purissima (Strebel, 1908)

Typhlodaphne strebeli A. W. B. Powell, 1951

Zemacies excelsa Sysoev & Bouchet, 2001

Zemacies queenslandica (A. W. B. Powell, 1969)
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