Bostryx erosus (Broderip, 1832) |  Bostryx erythrostoma (G. B. Sowerby I, 1833) |  Bostryx extensus (F. Haas, 1955) |
 Bostryx flagellatus (Pilsbry, 1896) |  Bostryx fragilis Breure & Mogollón, 2010 |  Bostryx fuligineus Breure, 1978 |
 Bostryx guttatus (Broderip, 1832) |  Bostryx hamiltoni (Reeve, 1849) |  Bostryx hennahi (J. E. Gray, 1828) |
 Bostryx huanucensis Breure, 1978 |  Bostryx huascensis (Reeve, 1848) |  Bostryx ignobilis (R. A. Philippi, 1867) |
 Bostryx imeldae Weyrauch, 1958 |  Bostryx infundibulum (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) |  Bostryx infundibulum umbilicatellus (Pilsbry, 1896) |
 Bostryx ischnus (Pilsbry, 1902) |  Bostryx juana (Cousin, 1887) |  Bostryx lesueureanus (Morelet, 1860) |
 Bostryx longinquus (Morelet, 1863) |  Bostryx longispira Weyrauch, 1960 |  Bostryx louisae Breure, 1978 |
 Bostryx martinezi (Hylton Scott, 1965) |  Bostryx modestus angelmaldonadoi Weyrauch, 1960 |  Bostryx modestus modestus (Broderip, 1832) |
 Bostryx multivolvis Pilsbry, 1944 |  Bostryx nigropileatus (Reeve, 1849) |  Bostryx obeliscus Zilch, 1954 |
 Bostryx obliquiportus angispira Weyrauch, 1960 |  Bostryx obliquiportus inflatiportus Weyrauch, 1960 |  Bostryx obliquiportus Weyrauch, 1958 |
 Bostryx orophilus (Morelet, 1863) |  Bostryx peliostomus (L. Pfeiffer, 1867) |  Bostryx perforatus (F. Haas, 1951) |
 Bostryx peristomatus (Doering, 1879) |  Bostryx peruvianus (Pilsbry, 1944) |  Bostryx pictus (L. Pfeiffer, 1855) |
 Bostryx piuranus (Albers, 1854) |  Bostryx productus (L. Pfeiffer, 1867) |  Bostryx pruinosus (G. B. Sowerby I, 1833) |
 Bostryx pygmaeus costatus (Weyrauch, 1960) |  Bostryx pygmaeus Weyrauch, 1960 |  Bostryx reentsi (R. A. Philippi, 1851) |
 Bostryx rhodolarynx (Reeve, 1849) |  Bostryx rhodolarynx papillatus (Morelet, 1860) |  Bostryx rodriguezae Weyrauch, 1967 |
 Bostryx rouaultii (Hupé, 1854) |  Bostryx rudisculptus (Parodiz, 1956) |  Bostryx rudistriatus (F. Haas, 1955) |
 Bostryx scalariformis (Broderip, 1832) |  Bostryx serotinus (Morelet, 1860) |  Bostryx simpliculus (L. Pfeiffer, 1855) |
 Bostryx solutus (Troschel, 1847) |  Bostryx sp. 116370 |  Bostryx sp. 118634 |
 Bostryx sp. 118848 |  Bostryx sp. 175184 |  Bostryx sp. 19113 |
 Bostryx sp. 198130 |  Bostryx sp. 198670 |  Bostryx sp. 208061 |
 Bostryx spiculatus (Morelet, 1860) |  Bostryx spiculatus paucicostatus Breure, 1978 |  Bostryx spiculatus pumilus Breure, 1978 |
 Bostryx stelzneri (Dohrn, 1875) |  Bostryx stelzneri hector Hoñmberg, 1919 |  Bostryx superbus Weyrauch, 1967 |
 Bostryx torallii (A. d´Orbigny, 1835) |  Bostryx torallii birabeni (H.Scott, 1948) |  Bostryx torallyi climacographus (Holmberg, 1912) |
 Bostryx torallyi corrugatus (Parodiz, 1947) |  Bostryx tortoranus (Doering, 1879) |  Bostryx tschudii (L. Pfeiffer, 1848) |
 Bostryx tubulatus (Morelet, 1860) |  Bostryx tubulatus scalaricostus (Morelet, 1860) |  Bostryx tumidulus (L. Pfeiffer, 1842) |
 Bostryx turritus (Broderip, 1832) |  Bostryx turritus tamboensis Zilch, 1953 |  Bostryx umbilicatus (Miller, 1879) |
 Bostryx viarius (Pilsbry, 1932) |  Bostryx vilchezi Weyrauch, 1960 |  Bostryx virgultorum (Morelet, 1863) |
 Bostryx weyrauchi Pilsbry, 1944 |  Bostryx williamsi (L. Pfeiffer, 1858) |  Bostryx willinki Weyrauch, 1964 |
 Bostryx woodwardi (L. Pfeiffer, 1857) |  Bostryx zilchi compactus Weyrauch, 1960 |  Bostryx zilchi glomeratus Weyrauch, 1960 |
 Bostryx zilchi Weyrauch, 1958 |  Boxtryx sp. 118815 |  Bulimulus aff. corumbaensis Pilsbry, 1897 |
- The photos
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