Chondropoma carenasense corrientesense de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropoma catalinense Bartsch, 1946 |  Chondropoma caymanense Preston, 1911 |
 Chondropoma cf. auberianum (Orbigny, 1839) |  Chondropoma cf. perlatum (Poey, 1858) |  Chondropoma cf. poeyanum (Orbigny, 1842) |
 Chondropoma cognatum Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropoma delatreanum (Orbigny, 1841) |  Chondropoma dentatum (Jay, 1825) |
 Chondropoma edouardi Aguayo, 1934 |  Chondropoma emilianum emilianum (Weinland, 1862) |  Chondropoma ernesti ernesti Pfeiffer, 1862 |
 Chondropoma ernesti quignonesi Aguayo, 1943 |  Chondropoma fluxum Bartsch, 1946 |  Chondropoma garcianum Torre, 1913 |
 Chondropoma glabratum Reeve, 1863 |  Chondropoma gnote kriegeri Bartsch, 1946 |  Chondropoma graniferum saxicolum Bartsch, 1946 |
 Chondropoma hemiotum (Pfeiffer, 1854) |  Chondropoma hendersoni Bartsch, 1946 |  Chondropoma ignatum Bartsch, 1946 |
 Chondropoma irradians (Shuttleworth in L. Pfeiffer, 1852) |  Chondropoma irradians palequense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropoma irradians panense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma julieni L. Pfeiffer, 1866 |  Chondropoma laetum (Gutierrez in Poey, 1858) |  Chondropoma lembeyi Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma manielense Bartsch, 1946 |  Chondropoma moestum decurrens (Poey, 1858) |  Chondropoma moestum moralesi de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma moronensis Bartsch, 1946 |  Chondropoma morsecodex Watters, 2012 |  Chondropoma obesum hershei Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma obesum obesum (Menke, 1830) |  Chondropoma oculeum Watters & Duffy, 2010 |  Chondropoma oxytremum (Pfeiffer, 1860) |
 Chondropoma perlatum (Gundlach, 1857) |  Chondropoma pfeifferianum (Poey, 1851) |  Chondropoma pfeifferianum camoense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma pfeifferianum ganuzaense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropoma pictum (Pfeiffer, 1839) |  Chondropoma pictum (Pfeiffer, 1839) n.ssp. |
 Chondropoma pictum anafense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropoma pictum arangoi Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropoma pictum celsum Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma pictum gouldianum (Poey, 1854) |  Chondropoma pictum mahogani (Gould, 1842) |  Chondropoma pictum pictum (Pfeiffer, 1839) |
 Chondropoma pictum sagra (Orbigny, 1842) |  Chondropoma pictum varaderense de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropoma pictum yumeriensis Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma pilsbryi nonuni Bartsch, 1946 |  Chondropoma poeyanum (Orbigny, 1842) |  Chondropoma poeyanum jibacoense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma poeyanum occidentalis Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropoma presasianum canasiense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropoma presasianum presasianum (Pfeiffer, 1863) |
 Chondropoma pupaeformis (Sowerby, 1843) |  Chondropoma quisquense Bartsch, 1946 |  Chondropoma revictum biserranus Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma riisei (Pfeiffer, 1852) |  Chondropoma rufilabrum (Potiez & Michaud, 1838) |  Chondropoma santaluciense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma simplex (Pfeiffer, 1854) |  Chondropoma solidulum solidulum (Pfeiffer, 1860) |  Chondropoma solidulum vitaense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropoma unilabiatum (Gundlach in Pfeiffer, 1860) |  Chondropoma unilabiatum dunkeri (Pfeiffer, 1866) |  Chondropoma vanattae polychroma Watters, 2012 |
 Chondropoma vanattae vanattae Pilsbry, 1933 |  Chondropoma vespertinum Morelet, 1851 |  Chondropoma wetmorei Bartsch, 1946 |
 Chondropomella elegans Watters & Duffy, 2010 |  Chondropometes concolor magister Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropometes eximium (Torre & Bartsch, 1938) |
 Chondropometes eximium angusticulum (Torre & Bartsch, 1938) |  Chondropometes eximium malleatum (Torre & Bartsch, 1938) |  Chondropometes exquisitum exquisitum (Torre & Bartsch, 1938) |
 Chondropometes exquisitum notatum (Torre & Bartsch, 1938) |  Chondropometes magnum (Torre & Bartsch, 1938) |  Chondropometes magnum elisabethae Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |
 Chondropometes magnum signae Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropometes saccharinium saccharinium Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropometes sagebieni (Poey, 1858) |
 Chondropometes sagebieni portalesense Torre & Bartsch, 1938 |  Chondropometes torrei iosaturatum (Torre & Bartsch, 1938) |  Chondropomium asymmetricum (Pilsbry 1933) |
 Chondropomium barahonense (Bartsch, 1946) |  Chondropomium blaineorum Watters, 2012 |  Chondropomium hooksi Watters & Duffy, 2010 |
- The photos
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