Adelomelon aff. riosi Clench, 1964 |  Adelomelon ancilla (Lightfoot, 1786) |  Adelomelon ancilla martensi (Strebel, 1906) |
 Adelomelon barattinii Klappenbach & Ureta, 1966 |  Adelomelon beckii (Broderip, 1836) |  Adelomelon beckii connexa (Lahille, 1895) |
 Adelomelon beckii fusiformis (Kiener, 1839) |  Adelomelon beckii indigestus von Ihering, 1908 |  Adelomelon cf. ancilla (Lightfoot, 1786) |
 Adelomelon cf. ancilla martensi (Strebel, 1906) |  Adelomelon riosi Clench, 1964 |  Alcithoe aillaudorum Bouchet & Poppe, 1988 |
 Alcithoe arabica (Gmelin, 1791) |  Alcithoe arabica depressa Suter, 1908 |  Alcithoe arabica motutaraensis Powell, 1928 |
 Alcithoe arabica swainsoni Marwick, 1926 |  Alcithoe benthicola (Dell, 1963) |  Alcithoe cf. arabica (Gmelin, 1791) |
 Alcithoe cf. pseudolutea Bail & Limpus, 2005 |  Alcithoe davegibbsi Hart, 1999 |  Alcithoe fissurata crassa Bail & Limpus, 2005 |
 Alcithoe fissurata Dell, 1963 |  Alcithoe flemingi Dell, 1978 |  Alcithoe fusus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) |
 Alcithoe fusus haurakiensis (Dell, 1956) |  Alcithoe fusus hedleyi (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) |  Alcithoe jaculoides calva Powell, 1928 |
 Alcithoe jaculoides Powell, 1924 |  Alcithoe knoxi Dell, 1956 |  Alcithoe larochei Marwick, 1926 |
 Alcithoe larochei ostenfeldi (Iredale, 1937) |  Alcithoe larochei tigrina Bail & Limpus, 2005 |  Alcithoe lutea (Watson, 1882) |
 Alcithoe pseudolutea Bail & Limpus, 2005 |  Alcithoe seelyeorum Bail & Limpus, 2005 |  Alcithoe sp. 32494 |
 Alcithoe wilsonae (Powell, 1933) |  Alcithoe wilsonae acuminata Bail, Limpus & Terryn, 2005 |  Alcithoe wilsonae chathamensis (Dell, 1956) |
 Alcithoe wilsonae grahami (Powell, 1965) |  Alcithoe wilsonae smithi Powell, 1950 |  Amoria benthalis (McMichael, 1964) |
 Amoria canaliculata (McCoy, 1869) |  Amoria canaliculata harfordi (Cox, 1869) |  Amoria cf. jamrachi (Gray, 1864) |
 Amoria chaneyi H. Morrison, 2012 |  Amoria damonii gatliffi (Sowerby, G.B. III, 1910) |  Amoria damonii Gray, 1864 |
 Amoria damonii keatsiana Ludbrook, 1953 |  Amoria damonii ludbrookae Bail & Limpus, 1997 |  Amoria damonii reevei (Sowerby, 1864) |
 Amoria damonii reticulata Reeve, 1844 |  Amoria dampieria Weaver, 1960 |  Amoria diamantina B. R. Wilson, 1972 |
 Amoria ellioti (Sowerby, 1864) |  Amoria exoptanda (Reeve, 1849) |  Amoria grayi Ludbrook, 1953 |
 Amoria grayi whitworthi Bail & Limpus, 2001 |  Amoria guttata McMichael, 1964 |  Amoria hunteri (Iredale, 1931) |
 Amoria jamrachi (Gray, 1864) |  Amoria jamrachii condei Bail & Limpus, 2001 |  Amoria jansae pithensis Bail & Limpus, 2011 |
 Amoria jansae van Pel & Moolenbeek, 2010 |  Amoria kawamurai Habe, 1975 |  Amoria lineola Bail & Limpus, 2009 |
 Amoria macandrewi (Sowerby III, 1887) |  Amoria maculata (Swainson, 1822) |  Amoria maculata caroli (Iredale, 1924) |
 Amoria maculata volva (Gmelin, 1791) |  Amoria molleri (Iredale, 1936) |  Amoria molleri capricornica Limpus & Bail, 2001 |
 Amoria molleri isabellae Limpus & Bail, 2001 |  Amoria molleri reducta Limpus & Bail, 2001 |  Amoria molleri succincta Bail & Limpus, 2001 |
 Amoria molleri vandenbergae Bail & Limpus, 2001 |  Amoria necopinata Darragh, 1983 |  Amoria peterstimpsoni T. Cossignani & Allary, 2019 |
 Amoria praetexta (Reeve, 1849) |  Amoria rinkensi Poppe, 1986 |  Amoria simoneae Bail & Limpus, 2003 |
 Amoria sp. 348442 † |  Amoria spenceriana (Gatliff, 1908) |  Amoria stricklandi Bail & Limpus, 2016 |
 Amoria subfossilis Bail & Limpus, 2011 |  Amoria turneri (Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834) |  Amoria turneri broderipi (Gray, 1864) |
 Amoria turneri newmanae Cotton, 1949 |  Amoria undulata (Lamarck, 1804) |  Amoria undulata angasi (Sowerby, 1864) |
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