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TURRITELLIDAE - 74 species
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Archimediella cf. vermicularis (Brocchi, 1814)

Callostracum gracile (Von Maltzan, 1883)

Colpospira australis (Lamarck, 1822)

Colpospirella algida (Melvill & Standen. 1902)

Gazameda gunnii (Reeve, 1848)

Gazameda iredalei Finlay, 1927

Incatella cingulata (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825)

Mesalia brevialis (Lamarck, 1822)

Mesalia mesal (Lamarck, 1843)

Mesalia opalina (Adams & Reeve, 1848)

Petalopoma elisabettae Schiafforelli, 2002

Tachyrhynchus erosus (Counthoy, 1838)

Tripsycha centiquadra (Valenciennes, 1846)

Turritella acropora Dall, 1889

Turritella aff. exoleta (L., 1758)

Turritella anactor Berry, 1957

Turritella annulata Kiener, 1843

Turritella attenuata Reeve, 1849

Turritella bacillum Kiener, 1844

Turritella banksii Reeve, 1849

Turritella banksii Reeve, 1849 + Crepidula arenata (Broderip, 1833)

Turritella bicingulata (Lamarck, 1822)

Turritella brocchii Bronn, 1831

Turritella capensis Krauss, 1848

Turritella carinifera Lamarck, 1822

Turritella cf. annulata Kiener, 1843

Turritella cf. attenuata Reeve, 1849

Turritella cf. banksiI Reeve, 1849

Turritella cingulifera G. B. Sowerby I, 1825

Turritella clarionensis Hertlein & Strong, 1951

Turritella cochlea Reeve, 1849

Turritella columnaris Kiener, 1844

Turritella communis Risso, 1826

Turritella conspersa Adams & Reeve, 1849

Turritella declivis Adams & Reeve in Reeve, 1849

Turritella delli Marwick, 1957

Turritella duplicata (L., 1758)

Turritella exoleta (Linnaeus, 1758)

Turritella fastigiata Adams & Reeve, 1850

Turritella fortilirata (Sowerby, 1914)

Turritella fultoni Melvill, 1898

Turritella gemmata Reeve, 1849

Turritella gonostoma Valenciennes, 1832

Turritella hookeri Reeve, 1849

Turritella lentiginosa Reeve, 1849

Turritella leucostoma Valenciennes, 1842

Turritella lyonsi Garcia, 2006

Turritella maculata Reeve, 1849

Turritella monilifera (Reeve, 1849)

Turritella nodulosa King & Broderip, 1832

Turritella pagoda (Reeve, 1849)

Turritella radula Kiener, 1843

Turritella roseus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1849)

Turritella roseus manukauensis Powell, 1931

Turritella rubescens Reeve, 1848

Turritella sanguinea salisburyi Tomlin, 1925

Turritella sp. 108463

Turritella sp. 28649

Turritella symmetrica Hutton, 1873

Turritella terebra (L., 1758)

Turritella torulosa Kiener, 1843

Turritella turbona (Monterosato, 1877)

Turritella ungulina (Linnaeus, 1758)

Turritella variegata (L., 1758)

Turritella vittata Hutton, 1873

Turritella willetti McLean, 1970

Turritellopsis marplatensis Castellanos & Landoni, 1980

Vermicularia fargoi Olsson, 1951

Vermicularia knorri (Deshayes, 1843)

Vermicularia pellucida eburnea (Reeve, 1842)

Vermicularia pellucida pelucida (Reeve, 1842)

Vermicularia spirata (Philippi, 1836)

Vermicularia weberi A.A. Olsson & A. Harbison, 1953†

Zeacolpus ahiparanus (Powell, 1927)
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