Allogona profunda (Say, 1821) |  Allogona ptychophora (A.D. Brown, 1870) |  Allogona townsendiana (Lea, 1838) |
 Cryptomastix devia (Gould, 1846) |  Cryptomastix hendersoni (Pilsbry, 1928) |  Cryptomastix mullani hemphilli Binney, 1886 |
 Cryptomastix mullani latilabris Pilsbry, 1940 |  Cryptomastix mullani mullani (Bland & Cooper, 1861) |  Cryptomastix mullani olneyae (Pilsbry, 1891) |
 Daedalochila auriculata (Say, 1818) |  Daedalochila dorfeuilliana (Lea, 1838) |  Daedalochila hausmani (Jackson, 1948) |
 Daedalochila peregrina (Rehder, 1932) |  Euchemotrema hubrichtii Pilsbry, 1940 |  Euchemotrema leai (A. Binney, 1841) |
 Inflectarius inflectus (Say, 1821) |  Lobosculum pustuloides (Bland, 1858) |  Mesodon appressus (Say, 1821) |
 Mesodon elevatus (Say, 1821) |  Mesodon perigraptus Pilsbry, 1894 |  Mesodon thyroidus (Say, 1816) |
 Mesodon zelatus (A.Binney, 1837) |  Neohelix albolabris (Say, 1816) |  Neohelix alleni (Wetherby in Sampson, 1883) |
 Patera appressa (Say, 1821) |  Patera binneyana (Pilsbry, 1899) |  Patera clenchi (Rehder, 1932) |
 Patera laevior (Hubricht, 1968) |  Polygyra avara Say, 1818 |  Polygyrella polygyrella (Bland & J.G.Cooper, 1861) |
 Stenotrema angellum Hubricht, 1958 |  Stenotrema cavum (Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1911) |  Stenotrema exodon (Pilsbry, 1893) |
 Stenotrema labrosum (Bland, 1862) |  Stenotrema pilsbryi (Ferriss, 1900) |  Stenotrema spinosum (Lea, 1830) |
 Stenotrema uniferum (Pilsbry, 1900) |  Triodopsis caroliniensis (Lea, 1834) |  Triodopsis discoidea (Pilsbry, 1894) |
 Triodopsis hopetonensis (Shuttleworth, 1852) |  Vespericola columbiana (Lea, 1838) |  Webbhelix multilineata (Say, 1821) |
 Xolotrema caroliniense (Lea, 1831) |  Xolotrema fosteri (F.C.Baker, 1921) |  Xolotrema occidentale (Pilsbry & Ferris, 1907) |
| | |
The photos in
our gallery are
in most cases
just a sample
from our stock,
except when only
one specimen
is offered. We
try to match
the original
color but it
can vary if your
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correctly adjusted
(Gamma correction).