Anosatoma sp. 112206 |  Anostoma aff. baileyi Solem, 1956 |  Anostoma aff. tessa Simone, 2012 |
 Anostoma baileyi Solem, 1956 |  Anostoma brunneum Verdcourt, 1991 |  Anostoma carinatum L. Pfeiffer, 1853 |
 Anostoma cf. carinatum L. Pfeiffer, 1853 |  Anostoma depressum Lamarck, 1822 |  Anostoma deshayesianum P. Fischer, 1857 |
 Anostoma luetzelburgi A. Weber, 1925 |  Anostoma octodentatum Fischer von Waldheim, 1807 |  Anostoma ringens (Linnaeus, 1758) |
 Anostoma rossi A. Weber, 1925 |  Anostoma sp. 112206 |  Anostoma sp. 153063 |
 Anostoma sp. 26712 |  Anostoma sp. 273062 |  Anostoma sp. 315155 |
 Anostoma tessa Simone, 2012 |  Anostoma verreauxianum Hupé, 1857 |  Biotocus cf. cumingii (Pfeiffer, 1849) |
 Biotocus cumingii (L. Pfeiffer, 1849) |  Biotocus sp. 256417 |  Biotocus ubajarensis (Leme, 1980) |
 Clinispira insolita Simone & Casati, 2013 |  Clinispira sp. 249999 |  Hyperaulax bouvieri (Josseaume, 1900) |
 Hyperaulax ramagei (E. A. Smith, 1890) |  Ringincella sp. 180500 |  Tomigerus aff. corrugatus Ihering, 1905 |
 Tomigerus aff. pilsbryi Baker, 1913 |  Tomigerus cf. laevis Ihering, 1905 |  Tomigerus cf. rochai Ihering, 1905 |
 Tomigerus clausus Spix, 1827 |  Tomigerus corrugatus Ihering, 1905 |  Tomigerus esamianus Salgado & Coelho, 1990 |
 Tomigerus laevis Ihering, 1905 |  Tomigerus matthewsi Salgado & Leme, 1991 |  Tomigerus pilsbryi Baker, 1913 |
 Tomigerus pilsbryi F. Baker, 1914 |  Tomigerus principalis G. B. Sowerby I, 1849 |  Tomigerus rochai Ihering, 1905 |
 Tomigerus sp. 107424 | | |
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