Cyclotus hainanensis (H. Adams, 1870) |  Cyclophorus aff. annamiticus Crosse, 1867 |  Cyclophorus aff. bensoni L. Pfeiffer, 1852 |
 Cyclophorus aff. cryptomphalus Benson, 1857 |  Cyclophorus aff. exaltatus (Pfeiffer, 1854) |  Cyclophorus aff. tamdaoensis Do & Do, 2019 |
 Cyclophorus aff. tuba (Sowerby, 1842) |  Cyclophorus annamiticus Crosse, 1867 |  Cyclophorus ateribalteiformis D.-N. Chen & G.-Q. Zhang, 1998 |
 Cyclophorus cf. clouthianus Moellendorff, 1881 |  Cyclophorus cf. punctatus (Grateloup, 1841) |  Cyclophorus cf. unicus Mabille, 1887 |
 Cyclophorus cf. zebrinus (Benson, 1836) |  Cyclophorus clouthianus Möllendorff, 1882 |  Cyclophorus courbeti Ancey, 1888 |
 Cyclophorus cryptomphalus Benson, 1857 |  Cyclophorus delavayanus Heude, 1897 |  Cyclophorus dodrans Mabille, 1887 |
 Cyclophorus elegans Moellendorff, 1881 |  Cyclophorus exaltatus (Pfeiffer, 1854) |  Cyclophorus fargesianus Heude, 1885 |
 Cyclophorus fasciatus Kobelt, 1908 |  Cyclophorus ferruginosus Heude, 1885 |  Cyclophorus formosensis Mollendorff, 1874 |
 Cyclophorus fruhstorferi fruhstorferi Moellendorff, 1901 |  Cyclophorus ignilabris Moellendorff, 1901 |  Cyclophorus martensianus Mollendorff, 1874 |
 Cyclophorus martensianus ngankingensis Heude, 1882 |  Cyclophorus pallens Heude, 1885 |  Cyclophorus punctatus (Grateloup, 1840) |
 Cyclophorus pyrostoma Mollendorff, 1882 |  Cyclophorus songmaensis Morlet, 1891 |  Cyclophorus sp. 210510 |
 Cyclophorus sp. 291998 |  Cyclophorus sp. 292501 |  Cyclophorus sp. 45004 |
 Cyclophorus subcarinatus Moellendorff, 1882 |  Cyclophorus subcarinatus Mollendorff, 1874 |  Cyclophorus szechwanensis Yen, 1939 |
 Cyclophorus tamdaoensis Do, D. S.& Do, V. N. , 2019 |  Cyclophorus translucens Heude, 1889 |  Cyclophorus unicus Mabille, 1887 |
 Cyclotus borealis (Möllendorff, 1885) |  Cyclotus cf. borealis (Möllendorff, 1885) |  Cyclotus hainanensis (H. Adams, 1870) |
 Dioryx pilula (A. Gould, 1859) |  Lagochilus hungfordianus (Moellendorff, 1881) |  Leptopoma polyzonatum Moellendorff, 1882 |
 Platyrhaphe cf. erronea (Heude, 1890) |  Platyrhaphe erronea (Heude, 1890) |  Platyrhaphe hunana (Gredler, 1881) |
 Platyrhaphe schmackeri minor Yen, 1939 |  Ptychopoma chinensis (Moëllendorff, 1875) |  Ptychopoma expoliatum (Heude, 1885) |
 Ptychopoma hengsanense (Gredler, 1886) |  Ptychopoma lienense (Gredler, 1882) |  Rhiostoma dalyi W. T. Blanford, 1902 |
 Rhiostoma jousseaumei Morgan, 1885 |  Rhiostoma sp. 45141 | |
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