Codakia cf. orbicularis (L., 1758) |  Codakia costata (Orbigny, 1842) |  Codakia orbicularis (L., 1758) |
 Codakia orbiculata (Montagu, 1808) |  Ctena pectinella C.B.Adams, 1852 |  Divaricella quadrisulcata (Orbigny, 1842) |
 Epicodakia filiata (Dall, 1901) |  Lucinoma apocalyptica Simone, 2024 |  Miltha cf. childrenae (Gray, 1825) |
 Miltha childrenae (Gray, 1825) |  Myrtea lens (Verrill & Smith, 1880) |  Parvilucina blanda (Dall & Simpson, 1901) |
 Parvilucina cf. blanda (Dall & Simpson, 1901) |  Parvilucina crenella (Dall, 1901) |  Phacoides pectinatus (Gmelin, 1791) |
| | |
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