Anacythara perfecta Kay, 1979 |  Anarithma metula (Reeve, 1849) |  Anarithma stepheni (Melvill & Standen, 1897) |
 Asperdaphe sp. 89850 |  Carinapex minutissima (Garrett, 1873) |  Carinapex papillosa (Garret, 1873) |
 Carinapex sp. 89853 |  Carinapex sp. 89854 |  Ceritoturris bittium Dall, 1824 |
 Clathurella sp. 89831 |  Clavus cf. mighelsi Kay, 1979 |  Clavus laetus (Hinds, 1843) |
 Clavus mighelsi Kay, 1979 |  Clavus powelli Kay, 1979 |  Clavus pusilla (Garret, 1873) |
 Clavus rissoiniformis Kay, 1979 |  Clavus sp. 89818 |  Clavus sp. 89856 |
 Daphnella aureola (Reeve, 1845) |  Daphnella interrupta (Pease, 1860) |  Daphnella ornata (Hinds, 1844) |
 Daphnella sandwichensis Reeve, 1845 |  Daphnella sp. 215933 |  Daphnella sp. 89820 |
 Daphnella sp. 89847 |  Daphnella sp. 89849 |  Daphnella varicosa (Souverbie, 1874) |
 Etrema acricula Hedley, 1922 |  Eucithara angiostoma Pease, 1868 |  Eucithara coniformis (Reeve, 1846) |
 Eucithara pusilla Pease, 1860 |  Eucithara sp. 109106 |  Eucyclotoma aff. tricarinata (Kiener, 1839) |
 Gemmula cf. diomedea Powell, 1964 |  Gemmula congener unilineata Powell, 1967 |  Gemmula interpolata Powell, 1967 |
 Gemmula monilifera (Pease, 1861) |  Gemmula pseudomonilifera Powell, 1967 |  Helenella sp. 89843 |
 Heterocithara erismata Hedley, 1922 |  Heterocithara sp. 89837 |  Iotyrris devoizei Kantor, Puillandre, Olivera & Bouchet, 2008 |
 Kermia aniani Kay, 1979 |  Kermia bifasciata (Pease, 1860) |  Kermia brunnea (Pease, 1860) |
 Kermia cylindrica (Pease, 1860) |  Kermia daedalea (Garrett, 1873) |  Kermia exilis (Pease, 1860) |
 Kermia lutea (Pease, 1860) |  Kermia melanoxytum (Hervier, 1895) |  Kermia oligoina Hedley, 1922 |
 Kermia producta (Pease, 1860) |  Kermia pumila (Mighels, 1873) |  Kermia pygoidea (Melvill, 1917) |
 Kermia sp. 109100 |  Kermia sp. 89844 |  Lienardia aff. apiculata (Montrouzier, 1864) |
 Lienardia apiculata (Montrouzier, 1864) |  Lienardia balteata (Pease, 1860) |  Lienardia mighelsi Iredale & Tomlin, 1917 |
 Lienardia sp. 89859 |  Lovellona atramentosa (Reeve, 1849) |  Lovellona peaseana Finlay, 1927 |
 Macteola segesta (Chenu, 1850) |  Microdaphne morrisoni Rehder, 1980 |  Mitromorpha iki (Kay, 1979) |
 Mitromorpha stepheni (Melvill & Staden, 1896) |  Spergo glandiformis Dall, 1895 |  Splendrillia laeta (Hinds, 1843) |
 Tritonoturris amabilis (Hinds, 1843) |  Tritonoturris cumingii (Powys, 1835) |  Tritonoturris menecharmes (Melvill, 1923) |
 Tritonoturris paucicostata (Pease, 1860) |  Turridrupa albofasciata (Smith, 1877) |  Turridrupa bijubata (Reeve, 1843) |
 Turridrupa consobrina Powell, 1939 |  Turridrupa weaveri Powell, 1967 |  Tylotiella sp. 89814 |
 Tylotiella sp. 89817 |  Veprecula brunonia (Dall, 1924) |  Xenoturris castanella Powell, 1964 |
 Xenoturris cerithiformis (Powell, 1964) |  Xenoturris cf. tesselata Powell, 1964 |  Xenoturris gemmuloides Powell, 1967 |
| | |
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