Compsodrillia alcestis (Dall, 1919) | Compsodrillia bicarinata (Shasky, 1961) | Crassispira maura (Sowerby, 1834) |
Cruziturricula arcuata (Reeve, 1843) | Doxospira hertleini Shasky, 1971 | Fusiturricula armilda (Dall, 1908) |
Glyphostoma bayeri Olsson, 1971 | Hindsiclava andromeda (Dall, 1919) | Hindsiclava resina (Dall, 1908) |
Imaclava pilsbryi Bartsch, 1950 | Knefastia aff. olivacea (Sowerby, 1833) | Knefastia funiculata (Kiener, 1840) |
Knefastia howelli (Hertlein & Strong, 1951) | Polystira oxytropis (Sowerby, 1834) | Polystira picta (Reeve, 1843) |
Strombinoturris crockeri Hertlein & Strong, 1951 | Tiariturris spectabilis Berry, 1958 | |
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in most cases
just a sample
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except when only
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