Agadrillia sp. 78762 |  Agathotoma aff. candidissima (C.B.Adams, 1845) |  Agathotoma cf. subtilis (Watson, 1881) |
 Agathotoma sp. 37561 |  Agladrillia aff. rhodochroa (Dautzenberg, 1900) |  Antimelatoma sp. 78775 |
 Bellaspira rosea Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Bellaspira sp. 154518 |  Bellaspira sp. 39315 |
 Bellaspira sp. 91700 |  Bellaspira stahlschmidti Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Benthomangelia antonia (Dall, 1881) |
 Benthomangelia macra (Watson, 1881) |  Benthomangelia sp. 78676 |  Benthomangelia sp. 78728 |
 Benthomangelia sp. 88811 |  Brachycythara brevis (C. B. Adams, 1850) |  Brachycythara sp. 106365 |
 Brachycythara sp. 32836 |  Brachytoma cf. rioensis (E.A.Smith, 1915) |  Brachytoma rioensis (E.A.Smith, 1915) |
 Brachytoma sp. 149967 |  Buchema cf. interpleura (Dall & Simpson, 1901) |  Buchema cf. interstrigata (E.A.Smith, 1882) |
 Buchema cf. liella (Corea, 1934) |  Buchema cf. tainoa (Corea, 1934) |  Buchema interpleura (Dall & Simpson, 1901) |
 Buchema liella (Corea, 1934) |  Buchema mamona (Corea, 1934) |  Buchema sp. 113060 |
 Buchema sp. 151055 |  Buchema sp. 185461 |  Buchema sp. 208178 |
 Buchema sp. 250695 |  Buchema sp. 37827 |  Buchema tainoa (Corea, 1934) |
 Calliclava vigorata Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Carinodrillia braziliensis (E. A. Smith, 1915) |  Carinodrillia cf. braziliensis (E.A. Smith, 1915) |
 Cerodrillia brasiliensis Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Clathrodrillia aff. lophoessa (Watson, 1881) |  Clathrodrillia cf. colombiana Fallon, 2016 |
 Clathrodrillia cf. tryonii (Dall, 1889) |  Clathrodrillia colombiana Fallon, 2016 |  Clathrodrillia lophoessa (Watson, 1881) |
 Clathrodrillia minor (Dautzenberg, 1900) |  Clathrodrillia rubrofasciata Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Clathrodrillia sp. 31169 |
 Clathrodrillia sp. 94275 |  Cochlespira elegans (Dall, 1881) |  Cochlespira elongata Simone, 1999 |
 Cochlespira sp. 177620 |  Cochlespira sp. 189626 |  Cochlespira sp. 78250 |
 Cochlespira sp. 78252 |  Compsodrillia aff. acestra (Dall, 1889) |  Compsodrillia cf. acestra (Dall, 1889) |
 Compsodrillia cf. haliostrephis (Dall, 1889) |  Compsodrillia gonae Jong & Coomans, 1988 |  Compsodrillia haliostrephis (Dall, 1889) |
 Compsodrillia sp. 133860 |  Compsodrillia sp. 28321 |  Compsodrillia sp. 34560 |
 Compsodrillia sp. 38400 |  Compsodrillia sp. 38611 |  Compsodrillia tristicha (Dall, 1889) |
 Corinnaeturris leucomata (Dall, 1881) |  Corinnaeturris rhysa (Watson, 1881) |  Corinnaeturris sp. 94305 |
 Crassispira aff. semigranosa (Reeve, 1846) |  Crassispira aff. vexillum (Reeve, 1845) |  Crassispira affinis (Reeve, 1846) |
 Crassispira cf. flavescens (Reeve, 1843) |  Crassispira cf. fuscescens (Reeve, 1843) |  Crassispira cf. fuscocincta (C.B.Adams, 1850) |
 Crassispira cf. luctuosa (Orbigny, 1842) |  Crassispira cf. quadrifasciata (Reeve, 1845) |  Crassispira cf. semigranosa (Reeve, 1846) |
 Crassispira fuscescens (Reeve, 1843) |  Crassispira luctuosa (Orbigny, 1842) |  Crassispira quadrifasciata (Reeve, 1845) |
 Crassispira sp. 107584 |  Crassispira sp. 256012 |  Crockerella sp. 94286 |
 Cryoturris adamsii (E.A.Smith, 1884) |  Cryoturris cf. diadema Woodring, 1928 |  Cryoturris cf. fargoi (McGinty, 1955) |
 Cryoturris edithae (Usticke, 1971) |  Cryoturris sp. 133862 |  Cryoturris sp. 94321 |
 Daphnella aff. elegantissima Espinosa & Fernandez-Garces, 1990 |  Daphnella antillana Espinosa & Fernandez-Garces, 1990 |  Daphnella cf. corbicula Dall, 1889 |
 Daphnella cf. margaretae Lyons, 1972 |  Daphnella cf. retifera Dall, 1889 |  Daphnella corbicula (Dall, 1889) |
 Daphnella elegantissima Espinosa & Fernandez-Garces, 1990 |  Daphnella lymneiformis (Kiener, 1840) |  Daphnella margaretae Lyons, 1972 |
 Daphnella retifera Dall, 1889 |  Daphnella sp. 107595 |  Daphnella sp. 110125 |
 Daphnella sp. 192469 |  Daphnella sp. 226827 |  Daphnella sp. 269147 |
 Daphnella sp. 78270 |  Daphnella sp. 94316 |  Daphnella stegeri McGinty, 1955 |
 Dapnhella sp. 37759 |  Decoradrillia cf. festiva Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Decoradrillia colorea Fallon Jr., 2016 |
 Decoradrillia festiva Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Douglassia enae Bartsch, 1934 |  Douglassia minervaensis Fallon Jr., 2016 |
 Drillia detecta (Dall, 1881) |  Drillia sp. 107510 |  Drillia sp. 19127 |
 Drillia sp. 192436 |  Drillia sp. 195762 |  Eubela limacina (Dall, 1881) |
 Eucyclotoma sp. 107497 |  Famelica mirmidina (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896) |  Famelica monotropis (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896) |
 Fenimorea aff. pagodula (Dall, 1889) |  Fenimorea cf. nivalis Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Fenimorea fucata (Reeve, 1845) |
 Fenimorea nivalis Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Fenimorea sp. 256437 |  Fenimorea sp. 37143 |
 Fusiturricula altenai Macgotay & Campos, 2001 |  Fusiturricula cf. maesae Rios, 1985 |  Fusiturricula jaquensis (G. B. Sowerby I, 1850) |
 Fusiturricula lavinoides (Olsson, 1922) |  Fusiturricula maesae Rios, 1985 |  Fusiturricula sp. 78676 |
 Fusiturricula taurina (Olsson, 1922) |  Gemmula aff. periscelida (Dall, 1889) |  Gemmula mystica Simone, 2005 |
 Gemmula sp. 16868 |  Gemmula sp. 28413 |  Globidrillia aff. smirna (Dall, 1881) |
 Glyphostoma aff. gabbi (Dall, 1889) |  Glyphostoma cf. hermineum (Bartsch, 1934) |  Glyphostoma elsae Bartsch, 1934 |
 Glyphostoma epicasta (Bartsch, 1934) |  Glyphostoma golfoyaquensis Maury, 1917 |  Glyphostoma sp. 125317 |
 Glyphostoma sp. 125319 |  Glyphostoma sp. 133863 |  Glyphostoma sp. 150360 |
 Glyphostoma sp. 33403 |  Glyphostoma sp. 78668 |  Glyphoturris cf. quadrata (Reeve, 1845) |
 Glyphoturris quadrata (Reeve, 1845) |  Glyphoturris rugirima (Dall, 1889) |  Glyphoturris sp. 32837 |
 Granoturris aff. padolina Fargo, 1953 |  Granoturris rhysa (Watson, 1881) |  Granoturris sp. 37828 |
 Gymnobela aff. spicea (Watson, 1881) |  Gymnobela cf. blakeana (Dall, 1889) |  Gymnobela sp. 78682 |
 Gymnobela sp. 85990 |  Gymnobela sp. 92161 |  Gymnobela spicea (Watson, 1881) |
 Hindsiclava alesidota (Dall, 1889) |  Hindsiclava appeli (Weinkauff, 1888) |  Hindsiclava tippetti Petuch, 1987 |
 Inodrillia acova Bartsch, 1943 |  Inodrillia aff. acova Bartsch, 1943 |  Inodrillia aff. vetula Bartsch, 1943 |
 Inodrillia ricardoi Rios, 2009 |  Inodrillia sp. 106771 |  Inodrillia sp. 25503 |
 Ithycythara balteata (Reeve, 1846) |  Ithycythara cf. balteata (Reeve, 1846) |  Ithycythara cf. lanceolata (C.B.Adams, 1850) |
 Ithycythara cf. psila (Bush, 1885) |  Ithycythara hyperlepta Hass, 1953 |  Ithycythara rubricata (Reeve, 1846) |
 Ithycythara sp. 108779 |  Knefastia horrenda (Watson, 1885) |  Kurtziella cf. citronella (Dall, 1886) |
 Kurtziella cf. limonitella (Dall, 1884) |  Kurtziella dorvilliae (Reeve, 1845) |  Kurtziella limonitella (Dall, 1884) |
 Kurtziella sp. 108780 |  Kurtziella sp. 157490 |  Kurtziella sp. 260070 |
 Kurtziella sp. 32902 |  Kurtzina sp. 94295 |  Leptadrillia sp. 78766 |
 Leptadrillia sp. 86944 |  Leucosyrinx cf. hemimeres (Watson, 1881) |  Leucosyrinx cf. leucomata (Dall, 1881) |
 Leucosyrinx cf. plebeia (Watson, 1881) |  Leucosyrinx cf. subgrundifera (Dall, 1888) |  Leucosyrinx cf. verrillii (Dall, 1881) |
 Leucosyrinx hemimeres (Watson, 1881) |  Leucosyrinx plebeia (Watson, 1881) |  Leucosyrinx sp. 194497 |
 Leucosyrinx sp. 25468 |  Leucosyrinx sp. 29677 |  Leucosyrinx sp. 30614 |
 Leucosyrinx sp. 78647 |  Leucosyrinx sp. 78772 |  Leucosyrinx sp. 86946 |
 Leucosyrinx sp. 91757 |  Leucosyrinx verrillii (Dall, 1881) |  Lioglyphostoma cf. jousseaumei (Dautzenberg, 1900) |
 Lioglyphostoma jousseaumei (Dautzenberg, 1900) |  Lioglyphostoma sp. 133866 |  Lioglyphostoma sp. 38248 |
 Lissodrillia cabofrioensis Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Lissodrillia cf. cabofrioensis Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Lissodrillia fasciata Fallon Jr., 2016 |
 Maesiella sp. 107500 |  Maesiella sp. 255138 |  Mangelia cf. hyemalis (Mabille & Rochebrune, 1889) |
 Mangelia sp. 78711 |  Mangelia sp. 92165 |  Mioawateria aff. extensa (Dall, 1881) (Dall, 1881) |
 Mioawateria extensa (Dall, 1881) |  Mioawateria sp. 177662 |  Miraclathurella sp. 103395 |
 Mitrolumna cf. biplicata (Dall, 1889) |  Mitrolumna sp. 115104 |  Mitrolumna sp. 121906 |
 Mitromorpha braziliensis Mifsud, 2009 |  Mitromorpha canopusensis Mifsud, 2009 |  Mitromorpha sama Simone & Cunha, 2012 |
 Nannodiella melanitica (Dall, 1889) |  Nannodiella oxia (Bush, 1885) |  Nannodiella sp. 132342 |
 Nannodiella vespuciana (Orbigny, 1842) |  Neodrillia princeps Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Neodrillia sp. 150320 |
 Neodrillia sp. 55997 |  Notocytharella sp. 157500 |  Oenopota diabula Figueira & Absalão, 2010 |
 Paradrillia sp. 78776 |  Pilsbryspira aff. leucocyma (Dall, 1883) |  Pilsbryspira albocincta (C. B. Adams, 1845) |
 Pilsbryspira cf. albomaculata (Orbigny, 1842) |  Pilsbryspira cf. cinerea (Weinkauff, 1876) |  Pilsbryspira cf. leucocyma (Dall, 1883) |
 Pilsbryspira cf. zebroides (Weinkauff, 1884) |  Pilsbryspira cinerea (Weinkauff, 1876) |  Pilsbryspira leucocyma (Dall, 1883) |
 Pilsbryspira sp. 107583 |  Pilsbryspira sp. 192437 |  Pilsbryspira sp. 355909 |
 Pilsbryspira zebroides (Weinkauff, 1884) |  Pleurotomella aff. costlowi Petuch, 1974 |  Pleurotomella aff. hadria Dall, 1889 |
 Pleurotomella aff. perparva (Watson, 1881) |  Pleurotomella aguayoi (Carcelles, 1953) |  Pleurotomella cf. aguayoi (Carcelles, 1953) |
 Pleurotomella cf. hadria (Dall, 1889) |  Pleurotomella cf. meriacum (Locard, 1896) |  Pleurotomella cf. porcellana (Watson, 1886) |
 Pleurotomella hadria (Dall, 1889) |  Pleurotomella ipara (Dall, 1881) |  Pleurotomella porcellana (Watson, 1886) |
 Pleurotomella sp. 196067 |  Pleurotomella sp. 26088 |  Pleurotomella sp. 26358 |
 Pleurotomella sp. 29675 |  Pleurotomella sp. 78700 |  Pleurotomella sp. 78717 |
 Pleurotomella sp. 78773 |  Pleurotomella sp. 78780 |  Pleurotomella sp. 78785 |
 Pleurotomella sp. 92160 |  Pleurotomella sp. 94285 |  Pleurotomella sp. 94308 |
 Pleurotomoides sp. 78710 |  Polystira aff. florencae Bartsch, 1934 |  Polystira barretti (Guppy, 1866) |
 Polystira cf. florencae Bartsch, 1934 |  Polystira coltrorum Petuch, 1993 |  Polystira formosissima (E.A.Smith, 1915) |
 Polystira sp. 10511 |  Polystira sp. 150299 |  Polystira sp. 18298 |
 Polystira sp. 199827 |  Polystira sp. 20260 |  Polystira sp. 33400 |
 Polystira sp. 37164 |  Polystira sp. 5030 |  Polystira sp. 5031 |
 Polystira sp. 78254 |  Pyrgocuthara sp. 1459 |  Pyrgocythara albovittata (C. B. Adams, 1845) |
 Pyrgocythara albovittata (C.B.Adams, 1845) |  Pyrgocythara caribaea (Orbigny, 1842) |  Pyrgocythara cf. caribaea (Orbigny, 1841) |
 Pyrgocythara crassicostata (C. B. Adams, 1850) |  Pyrgospira cf. ostrearum (Stearns, 1872) |  Pyrgospira sp. 29062 |
 Rimosodaphnella cf. morra (Dall, 1881) |  Rimosodaphnella morra (Dall, 1881) |  Rubellatoma cf. rubella (Kurtz & Stimpson, 1851) |
 Rubellatoma sp. 108751 |  Sinistrella sp. 194463 |  Sinistrella sp. 78653 |
 Spergo sp. 78702 |  Spirotropis aff. phaeacra (Watson, 1881) |  Spirotropis cf. stirophora (Watson, 1881) |
 Spirotropis lithocolleta (Watson, 1881) |  Spirotropis phaeacra (Watson, 1881) |  Spirotropis sp. 106770 |
 Spirotropis sp. 259048 |  Spirotropis sp. 85985 |  Spirotropis stirophora (Watson, 1881) |
 Spirotropsis sp. 125322 |  Spirotropsis sp. 194465 |  Splendrillia cf. brunnescens Rehder, 1943 |
 Splendrillia cf. compta Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Splendrillia cf. espyra (Woodring, 1928) |  Splendrillia cf. tantula (Bartsch, 1934) |
 Splendrillia compta Fallon Jr., 2016 |  Splendrillia sp. 106367 |  Splendrillia sp. 78761 |
 Strictispira coltrorum Tippett, 2006 |  Strictispira drangai (Schwengel, 1951) |  Strictispira redferni Tippett, 2006 |
 Strictispira solida (C.B.Adams, 1850) |  Syntomodrillia sp. 125324 |  Tenaturris aff. fulgens (E.A.Smith, 1888) |
 Tenaturris aff. inepta (E.A.Smith, 1882) |  Tenaturris cf. fulgens (E.A.Smith, 1888) |  Tenaturris dysoni (Reeve, 1846) |
 Tenaturris fulgens (E.A.Smith, 1888) |  Tenaturris gemma (E.A.Smith, 1864) |  Tenaturris sp. 108785 |
 Tenaturris sp. 125323 |  Tenaturris sp. 217007 |  Tenaturris sp. 261580 |
 Tenaturris sp. 63330 |  Thelecythara mucronata (Guppy, 1896) |  Theta chariessa (Watson, 1881) |
 Truncadaphne aff. permiscere (Usticke, 1969) |  Truncadaphne sp. 196416 |  Vitricythara cf. metria (Dall, 1903) |
 Xanthodaphne pompolyx (Dall, 1889) |  Zonulispira sp. 55989 | |
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