Alcithoe arabica (Gmelin, 1791) | Alcithoe arabica depressa Suter, 1908 | Alcithoe arabica motutaraensis Powell, 1928 |
Alcithoe arabica swainsoni Marwick, 1926 | Alcithoe benthicola (Dell, 1963) | Alcithoe cf. arabica (Gmelin, 1791) |
Alcithoe cf. pseudolutea Bail & Limpus, 2005 | Alcithoe davegibbsi Hart, 1999 | Alcithoe fissurata crassa Bail & Limpus, 2005 |
Alcithoe fissurata Dell, 1963 | Alcithoe flemingi Dell, 1978 | Alcithoe fusus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) |
Alcithoe fusus haurakiensis (Dell, 1956) | Alcithoe fusus hedleyi (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) | Alcithoe jaculoides calva Powell, 1928 |
Alcithoe jaculoides Powell, 1924 | Alcithoe knoxi Dell, 1956 | Alcithoe larochei Marwick, 1926 |
Alcithoe larochei ostenfeldi (Iredale, 1937) | Alcithoe larochei tigrina Bail & Limpus, 2005 | Alcithoe lutea (Watson, 1882) |
Alcithoe pseudolutea Bail & Limpus, 2005 | Alcithoe seelyeorum Bail & Limpus, 2005 | Alcithoe wilsonae (Powell, 1933) |
Alcithoe wilsonae acuminata Bail, Limpus & Terryn, 2005 | Alcithoe wilsonae chathamensis (Dell, 1956) | Alcithoe wilsonae grahami (Powell, 1965) |
Alcithoe wilsonae smithi Powell, 1950 | Provocator mirabilis (Finlay, 1926) | Provocator mirabilis aurantia (Powell, 1954) |
| | |
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