Afer cumingii (Reeve, 1844) |  Ancistrolepis vietnamensis Sirenko and Goryachev, 1990 |  Calagrassor hayashii (Shikama, 1971) |
 Cantharus melanostoma (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825) |  Colus hiranoi Shikama, 1962 |  Engina lanceolata Kuroda & Habe, 1971 |
 Engina mendicaria (L., 1758) |  Japelion adelphicus (Dall, 1907) |  Manaria sp. 104716 |
 Neptunea fukueae Kira, 1959 |  Neptunea kuroshio (Oyama, 1958) |  Phaenomenella insulapratasensis (Okutani & Lan, 1994) |
 Pollia fumosa (Dillwyn, 1817) |  Pollia undosa (Linnaeus, 1758) |  Siphonalia callizona bicallizona T. Habe, 1961 |
 Siphonalia cassidariaeformis (Reeve, 1843) |  Siphonalia spadicea (Reeve, 1847) |  Siphonofusus lubrica (Dall, 1918) |
| | |
The photos in
our gallery are
in most cases
just a sample
from our stock,
except when only
one specimen
is offered. We
try to match
the original
color but it
can vary if your
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correctly adjusted
(Gamma correction).