Cheirodonta decollata Rolan and Fernandez-Garces, 1994 |  Cosmotriphora melanura (C. B. Adams, 1850) |  Cosmotriphora ornata (Deshayes, 1832) |
 Eutriphora bermudensis (Bartsch, 1911) |  Inella euconfio Fernandes & Pimenta, 2019 |  Inella faberi Rolán & Fernández-Garcés, 2008 |
 Inella maculata M. Fernandes & Pimenta, 2019 |  Iniforis sp. 195458 |  Iniforis sp. 28426 |
 Mastoniaeforis sp. 37269 |  Mastoniaeforis sp. 38037 |  Metaxia aff. rugulosa (C.B.Adams, 1850) |
 Metaxia excelsa Faber & Moolenbeek, 1991 |  Monophorus olivaceus (Dall, 1889) |  Monophorus sp. 195458 |
 Sagenotriphora aff. osclausum (Rolán & Fernández-Garcés, 1995 |  Strobiligera gaesona (Dall, 1927) |  Strobiligera santista Fernandes & Pimenta, 2019 |
 Strobiligera unicornium (Simone, 2006). |  Triphora aff. nigrocincta (C.B.Adams, 1839) |  Triphora atlantica Smith, 1890 |
 Triphora cf. osclausum Rolan and Fernandez-Garces, 1995 |  Triphora charybdis Fernandes & Pimenta, 2015 |  Triphora ellyae de Jong and Coomans, 1988 |
 Triphora intermedia Dall, 1881 |  Triphora nigrocincta (C.B. Adams, 1839) |  Triphora portoricensis Rolan & Redfern, 200 |
 Triphora scylla Fernandes & Pimenta, 2015 |  Triphora sp. 107493 |  Triphora sp. 6325 |
| | |
The photos in
our gallery are
in most cases
just a sample
from our stock,
except when only
one specimen
is offered. We
try to match
the original
color but it
can vary if your
screen is not
correctly adjusted
(Gamma correction).