Femorale - +25 Years
Available shells
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Sally Kaicher Cards
Peggy Williams Cards

We would like to exchange/buy shells!

If you have spare shells we would gladly exchange. However, we have some exchanging rules:

  • We only can use F+/Gem shells;
  • If you have common shells, we only can use if you can send 4 or more of each species, in uniform sizes and quality;
  • We charge postage if the shells you are ordering are heavier than 500 grams - we ask you to charge us on the same way;
  • Please do not send shells with scars, broken lips or repaired;
  • Expensive shells can be traded only by shells of the same approximate value (I am sorry, 500 Littorinas are not the same as a US$500 shell....);
  • Shells from the new list sent every Thursday can ONLY be exchanged AFTER Friday (exceptions apply);
  • Shells marked (CON) or from lists with special discounts CANNOT be used for exchange ;
  • Shells from the lists with special discounts can be exchanged but the discount will be removed;
  • Shells marked (CON) or from lists with special discounts CANNOT be used for exchange ;
  • When choosing shells from our website, please select twice the value of the shells you sent so we can adjust the order and fill your credit;
  • We will send our shells after receiving your parcel.
  • Your credit must be used in full in one or two orders, it should not be used only for a few pieces at a time for a long period.

We hope to like your shells as much as you will like ours!

If you have a list of shells for sale we would like to receive it. We can use common to rare shells, only in good quality and size. Payment will be made by Paypal or Western Union after we receive the parcel.

Please note:

  • Please send uniform sizes and quality;
  • Wait a few days after we receive the parcel in order to check all specimens;
  • Do not send shells treated with acid, with noticeable defects or dead taken;
  • Before to send any parcel wait for our confirmation after we receive your invoice;
  • We will return any unsatisfactory shells and deduct the postage/handling from the payment.

Please contact us for further details about shipment - do not send parcels before receiving our confirmation message.


Sempre temos interesse em trocar conchas - contudo, temos algumas regras:

  • Somente podemos usar conchas com boa qualidade, sem defeitos muito aparentes - por favor não envie conchas passadas no ácido, ou com o lábio limado;
  • Se forem conchas comuns, podemos usar vários exemplares de cada, desde que sejam de tamanho e qualidade uniformes entre si;
  • Conchas caras de nossas listas somente podem ser trocadas por outras de valor aproximado (500 Littorinas de um dólar não equivalem a uma concha de 500 dólares...);
  • Damos preferências às vendas no dia em que enviamos a lista nova, quinta-feira - elas podem ser usadas na troca a partir da sexta-feira (mesmo assim há poucas exceções de conchas que não podem ser trocadas);
  • Conchas marcadas (CON) ou de listas com desconto especial não podem ser usadas na troca;
  • Quando for selecionar material de nosso estoque, escolha algumas a mais para podermos ter uma margem de substituição em caso de faltar alguma ;
  • As conchas serão enviadas após o recebimento do seu material.
  • Seu crédito tem que ser usado integralmente em um ou dois pedidos, não manteremos crédito para ser usado aos poucos por um longo período.

Por favor, entre em contato para receber nossa confirmação antes de enviar pacotes.


© Femorale 1999 / 2025 All rights reserved