Femorale - +25 Years
Available shells
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Sally Kaicher Cards
Peggy Williams Cards
raimon salas lopez on 26/6/2009
felicidades por el 20 aniversario. y que sigan muchos mas, Raimon salas lopes. Barcelona, catalunya.

Stephen Kawai on 21/6/2009
Congrats on your 20th anniversary! Being a collector where there is no local fauna can make it a challenging activity. However, your wonderful selection of specimens has made it easy and most pleasurable. To many more decades of success! S H Kawai

chorchat gra-tes on 19/6/2009
Congratulation for your success. Femorale has add up specimens to my collection long long time ago from order from very beautiful paper catalogue sent by post to a complicated internet online order. Wishing you of great success with prosperity :)

Marc Keppens on 18/6/2009
Dear Marcus and José, congratulations with "your" 20th anniversary. It's a pleasure to open your parcels: always very nice shells! We wish you another 20 years (and more) of shell collecting! Kelly and Marc


09/June/1989 Femorale 20 years

see presentation »
Here is a small gallery of photos of people we met. As we did not have digital cameras since the start I had to find and digitize some photos (the quality is not so great…), also I apologize if I left any out – I could not go through all thousands of pictures we gathered all this time.

By the way, we would love to receive your picture if you are not here (preferably on your shell room…). I will add them to the gallery!

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