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Shelling checklist

Passport, visa (check whether one is required or not – don’t take the word of a cousin who knows a guy whose mother went there a few years ago), driver's license, proof of immunization for yellow fever or any other required vaccinations - check the Internet for specific countries. Check also the currency and if Credit Cards are accepted everywhere – it is a good idea to get some change at the airport for small emergencies.

This will depend on where you are going. If you will stay in a nice hotel, you can't take that old smelly shirt to wear a whole week. But if you are sharing a tent with a buddy who wears his stinky slippers, then you can take that shirt. T-shirts are the best choice for most trips unless you are going to Alaska. Take more than you think you will need. An extra pair of jeans is advisable particularly if you intend to collect land snails and the same applies to old boots or sneakers. If you have old clothes that you can leave behind, bring as many as possible. They are much appreciated in poorer countries and when left behind, provide space for shells in your luggage.

Take everything you use regularly for personal care, including shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, nail trimmers, a pair of tweezers (very helpful in case you need to remove sea-urchin spikes), and a bottle of perfume (who knows?)

If your life depends on specific medicine for heart, diabetes, stomach, or anything not easily cured with aspirin take along an extra supply of pills. Bug repellent, sunscreen lotion, cotton swabs and Prozac in case you don't find as many shells as you wanted...

If you use ‘old style’ cameras, take as many rolls of film as possible: it is very expensive in most places. If you are using a digital camera, take an extra memory card, batteries and charger. Take your cell phone even if you know you are not going to use it, you might need it when you leave the airport or arrive back home. Verify voltage and adapters (see http://kropla.com/electric2.htm)

Diving/Snorkeling gear
Mask, fins, wet suit (thick or just skin), snorkel, lights and batteries, gloves, knife, screwdriver with handle (very handy), lead belt, diving computer, tank, BC, regulator. Adjust handles on plastic bottles so you can carry them around. Make cloth bags with drawstrings to carry under water, or buy those sold in dive shops.

Collecting gear
Plastic bottles and containers, sealable plastic bags, a screen set (see this article), small plastic vials, tweezers, magnifying glasses.

Below is a basic checklist. Of course each person has different needs and gadgets.

Check List
  • Passport
  • Airline Ticket
  • Proof of vaccination
  • Swim shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Short Pants
  • Socks
  • Underwear
  • Slippers
  • Shoes
  • Jeans
  • Sandals


  • Shampoo
  • Pain/Fever Medicine
  • Aspirin
  • Antihistamine
  • Sun Block
  • Cotton Swabs
  • Sun burn cream


  • Cell Phone + charger
  • Camera and lenses
  • Memory card
  • Battery charger

Collecting Gear

  • Screen
  • Strings
  • Plastic containers
  • Plastic bags
  • Zip lock bags
  • Sewing thread
  • Rubber bands
  • Raincoat
  • Boots
  • Bug repellen
  • Toothbrush for cleaning shells
  • Small vials

Diving/Snorkeling Gear

  • Mask
  • Snorkel
  • Skin
  • Fins
  • Lead belt
  • Gloves
  • Knife
  • Screwdriver with handle
  • Lights (at least three) + batteries
  • Waterproof containers (to keep keys, cameras, etc. dry)
  • Pillowcase – for shaking rocks or coral inside for micro shells

English checking by John Wolff

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